Cloud computing strategy

Love the idea? Want to save costs? But how?

Cloud. Everyone talks about it. Some know what it is. Some think they know what it is. What’s becoming apparent is that the cloud needs to be understood and utilised to play a part in the 21st century. Your organisation needs to know: what it is, how it can help you and how you can move part or all of your IT to the cloud.

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Every so often in technology there is a paradigm shift, when the technology doesn't just evolve but there is a revolution. You can think of this when the World Wide Web was created, when eCommerce became prevalent and even when email and SMS messaging became ubiquitous and revolutionised our communications from the office fax machine.

Today we are at another one of these shifts - the cloud in conjunction with its component technologies like software as a service (SaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) give us unique and powerful ways to collaborate and save money, as we do away with tedious old-fashioned methods and costly legacy infrastructure. Practically, Cloud allows you to:

  • Gain competitive edge
  • Save money (potentially lot of money)
  • Save time, reduce errors and costs caused by incompatibility and lack of integration
  • Allow collaboration of data between staff, departments and locations
  • Deploy optimum software easily
  • Improve quality of service by allowing optimised business processes - like “Martini” Computings (any time, any place, anywhere, any device..)
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But where do you start?

As a first step, you can take our Cloud Readiness Assessment service. Designed for the more complex organisations, this online tool allows you to get your strategy in place and make sure that different objectives are aligned.

Alternatively, or if you are a relatively smaller organisation, our team of experts can take on this challenge for you onsite:

First, we gain an understanding of your overall business and processes. We then review your set up - this may include, but is not limited to:

  • The computer hardware and software
  • Business systems
  • The infrastructure networks
  • IT management processes
  • Robustness
  • Security
  • Legal and compliance issues

We then perform an analysis and produce a cloud strategy.

The deliverables: a strategy, a roadmap, and support for implementation

We analyse your situation and produce a report. This report will include recommendations which cover:

  • A look at your IT setup identifying what can be cloud mobilised and the benefits
  • Indicative cost savings
  • A change plan
  • Information from public cloud services like Amazon and Google
  • Information on cloud applications
  • Consideration of hosting providers and private cloud.

We can agree an action or remediation plan, which you can carry out yourselves or we can help you.

Finally, we can mentor or project manage your business and team to deliver the strategy.

Featured article

"Internet turns 21, but needs to grow up first", Jamie Carter

It celebrates its 21st birthday this year, but is the World Wide Web growing up? From e-mailing, search engines and file sharing to the dotcom bubble, the emergence of Google and, most recently, the creation of social media, the digital landscape has had many landmarks, but few ask what it has actually achieved.

Is social media the "killer app" of the web? Or is it mobile working? Perhaps it's e-commerce, something many of us use it for every day.

"The greatest achievement of the web is the fundamental shift in access to and control of knowledge," says Peter Chadha, founder of DrPete, a firm of independent strategic technology advisers.

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