Let us help your M&A deal with our IT due diligence experience.
Let us help your M&A deal with our IT due diligence experience.
How we can help:
How we can help:
In recent times with low interest rates globally and cash that investors are seeking to put to work, M&A activity has been on the rise. We use our R.A.S.E.R.S. framework tool (see below) and our 44 point due diligence checklist to review companies to ascertain insight into their technology platform.
We can use this knowledge both on the buy side (e.g. venture capital or acquisition) or the sell side (so-called vendor due diligence) to aide our clients achieve the best deals.
Examples of projects:
Examples of projects:
- Acquisition IT Due Diligence - Performing short Sharp "kick the IT tyres" IT due diligence checks (that take a few days) or;
- Deep-dive Acquisition IT Due Diligence - more comprehensive examination of technology and dependencies
- Vendor IT Due Diligence - Preparation for trade sale or IPO
- Database logic review and strategy
Areas we can examine:
Areas we can examine:
We utilise a 44 point checklist covering all areas of IT. Under the following 10 sections we provide expert analysis for buyers and sellers:
We utilise a 44 point checklist covering all areas of IT. Under the following 10 sections we provide expert analysis for buyers and sellers:
- IT people and organisation structure
- Hardware, Networks, Operating Systems and Infrastructure
- Bespoke Systems Application Development
- Outsourcing & Significant Suppliers
- Key Packaged Applications
- IT Operations – General
- IT Governance
- Production System Operations and Security
- IT Strategy and Roadmap
- IT Costs